RETURNING 2020 SPRING PLAYERS: Please take a moment this evening to make sure your child has their hat and jersey from the Spring season. Please also make sure that the jersey still fits. Due to the shortened season last Spring, we asked all families to keep their uniforms for use during the Fall season. The league's uniform order will go in this weekend, so if you wait and find out your child is missing their uniform, they may not have a jersey or hat for opening day. If your child is not playing on the same team they played on during the Spring season, a new uniform will be automatically ordered to ensure your child matches their new team. NEW PLAYERS: If you are new to Countryside Little League this season or did not play with us in the Spring, a uniform will be ordered for your child based on the size and number preference given during registration for A-Ball through Seniors divisions. Your child will receive a hat and jersey from the league. Coaches will communicate to parents the color of pants, belt and socks to purchase. If your child plays T-Ball, the Tampa Bay Rays donate jerseys and hats to the league for these players. We will do our best to match colors with existing teams. Jerseys and hats will be provided once all T-Ball teams are finalized. QUESTIONS, ISSUES OR CONCERNS: Please email the League Treasurer directly @ [email protected], with all uniform issues, changes, questions or concerns no later than by noon this coming Saturday. Thank you! Countryside Little League Board
2640-D Sabal Springs Drive Clearwater, Florida 33761